The La Tania Ski Blog

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2 piste bashers on the La Tania POMA track

2 piste bashers just went past Chalet Juba grooming the La Tania POMA track (10pm). As you can see we have so much snow it was essential to stop the “oeuf” in the garden from getting buried! Nick

Tuesday 20th December PM

Still snowing 6 hours later, approaching 50cms on the table. Great fun out on the roads…… Guess what? More snow tomorrow.

Tuesday 20th December morning.

Still snowing……

Monday 19th December, it finally stops snowing.

The OMT has been cleared 3 times already, another 30cms on there in past 2 days and the Ski Deep sign blew away in the storm…. The new ruler is 52 cms long (it fell off my shovel from over use).

More snow tomorrow, time for a new shovel.

After the cars on the piste, now a boat with a bad mooring…

Strange sites in 1850…

La Tania Video Snow Report 17 Dec 2011

Saturday 17th December. Still dumping down.

OMT was cleared on thursday, over 30cms of fresh since then, set to snow all day today…

Ouch! Jase and the broken ski due to new safety locks on chairlifts

Jase boasting about a 40m cliff jump outside the pub….

Plenty of chair lifts across Courchevel and Mottaret have had locking devices fitted this Summer to the safety bar / footrest. They haven’t finished installing it on Lanches above La Tania yet but already on the likes of Suisses, Roc Mugnier and Cote Brun chairs.

They have now put new signs up at the top to warn you that the release won’t happen until you’re right in to the station. Looks like they are working better now and not leading to the panic that cause the broken ski above when the bar did not release.

First Lift Crew 9am…


Monday 12th December. 15cms of fresh.

Accumulated snow depth of 36 cms on the OMT, fresh 15cms of snow today. Good quality stuff too, you really should be booking that holiday right now.