Ski Jobs in La Tania
Thinking of working a Season?
For the best 5 months of your life (at least)
The experiences, memories and friendships will last a lifetime - or you may never go home! Of course it can be hard work, your employer's rules & punctuality can be strict and the pay is generally poor, but a season in the mountains is something you have to experience before you can even try to explain it...

Clearing Snow - It's a proper job!
Some job finding hints...
Firstly, it's not going to land in your lap, it does require a bit of effort but the rewards (not the money!) are always worth it. Remember even a little bit of French goes down very well, as does a clean driving licence plus any relevant qualifications and related experience in what you're applying for. Obviously EU passport / working visa is becoming an advantage (or even mandatory) now...
Get registered ASAP with the numorous agencies and apply on-line for a wide range of employment opportunities. Check the individual websites and facebook pages of companies too - there are plenty of jobs advertised and applied for directly.
Make sure you check out the original website for season workers which has lots of jobs and useful info on everything about "doing a season". Back in 1999 when Natives started there was a close association with and along with Pub Le Ski Lodge we hosted one of their first ever season workers race days and parties.
As well as job agencies and season workers sites it can be worth contacting companies directly in person, by phone or email - locally in La Tania try the bars, restaurants, hotels, transfer companies, ski hire shops, private chalets, property management companies etc.
Check for links / contact details. Remember even specialist jobs such as ski instructors still work for companies that need sales and administration staff.
Next would be to try the bigger ski tour operators and holiday companies although you may not be able to specify which resort you'll work in of course.
One other thing - when we say "contact", we mean send a professional covering letter and CV - not a one line facebook message saying "hey, got any jobs"? You have to make yourself stand out from the crowd, the Ski Lodge alone gets hundreds of applicants each Winter (and yes, plenty of messages saying "hey, got any jobs"?).

The London Ski Show in October/November is always worth a shout as there are lots of potential employers about although as the show has moved later in the year it's really getting a bit too late by then. There are also some season worker job fairs which are worth attending so keep a look out on social media for these.
Completed cookery courses are another valuable asset to have - check out The Hive Cookery School which was set up by ex La Tania season workers and are based near Les Arcs from July to October. They've got a great record of attendees getting season work in The Alps.
Finally if you've got some money saved up and can survive for a few weeks and are feeling brave... Get out here in mid November and start looking - make yourself known to everyone in the resort (and all the bars), buy a few drinks for people letting them know you're looking for work and will do anything! Always have plenty of copies of your CV on you, get some business cards made up with a phone number on it and use any noticeboards around resort. A well presented, smiling, cheerful, friendly, confident, outgoing person who can be punctual, sensible, polite and willing to graft will always pick something up...
Early season sees several people going home after only a couple of weeks, they may have been sacked, injured on their first day snowboarding or just can't hack it - so never give up looking...
Hope this helps, and good luck!

Page last updated 10/12/20