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Tuesday 20th December PM

Still snowing 6 hours later, approaching 50cms on the table. Great fun out on the roads…… Guess what? More snow tomorrow.

10 Responses to “Tuesday 20th December PM”

  1. I'm leaving for la tania tomoz. Is the snow bad enough to stop me in my 4×4 getting to the village without chains, as I didn't get any because of the 4wd. Now I'm worried as its too late to get some? Anyone there give me more info. Thanks. Tel

  2. 4wd is no guarantee of being able to drive on compacted snowy icy roads. Hence why thev police insist on you having chains even in a 4wd.

  3. Don't panic Tel. Weather clearing Thursday and if arriving daytime you'll make it to La Tania. 4×4 means it is very unlikely you won't get up anywhere even on regular tyres. Coming down can be the problem though! Police usually only bothered about checking for snow tyres or chains when they've almost closed the road in a big storm. All the services on the way down through France sell them anyway if you're worried. Just take your time, keep your distance and take it easy.

    Sun forecast for Friday, could be an Epic Day….

  4. buy them in Albertville Commercial centre to be safe..
    cheaper than garages..Cops wont let you up without them if roads are bad..