The La Tania Ski Blog

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La Tania POMA must be opening tomorrow!

2 hours later and they are still bashing the POMA track (2 piste bashers this time) so it must be opening tomorrow morning!

One Response to “La Tania POMA must be opening tomorrow!”

  1. Horray!

    I first found that Poma about 25 yeras ago, when we came across Folyeres almost by accident, and the Poma was the ONLY WAY OUT of LT in those days. In fact, I think that the lift atttendant’s hut was the only ‘building’ there in those days – LT just a car park and the Pomas, pre-olypics!

    Anyway, I LIKE Pomas – they are usually as fast as bubbles, faster and warmer than many chairs, and I am sure that they are less expensive to build and run!

    We were out a week ago, and had a great week in mainly new snow every day. I shall be back in St Martin in March – be warned – I take no hostages! PD