The La Tania Ski Blog

Latest news, snow, pics, gossip and information from the locals in La Tania –

All the latest news from around the 3 Valleys from the La Tania locals. A real blog since 2006, not just endless re-posts for search engine optimisaton! Photos, gossip, snow reports, what's on and all the latest on the Apres Ski scene... Now fully optimised for iPhone, Touch and Android Mobiles - just go to and view on your phone. Our other past blogs & favourites here



What a place this is…

How I hate this place. Clear blue skies. Great snow. Nobody on the pistes. Happy days. Ferg.

3 Responses to “What a place this is…”

  1. If you could arrange for all that soft fluffy white snow to be removed while you’re there, because my friends and i are out on sunday, and we love ice!!! cheers

  2. Looks like pure heaven to me. ‘Sad Days’ – I’m not there. ‘Happy Days’ I hear you shout Ferg!!