The La Tania Ski Blog
Latest news, snow, pics, gossip and information from the locals in La Tania –
All the latest news from around the 3 Valleys from the La Tania locals. A real blog since 2006, not just endless re-posts for search engine optimisaton! Photos, gossip, snow reports, what's on and all the latest on the Apres Ski scene... Now fully optimised for iPhone, Touch and Android Mobiles - just go to and view on your phone. Our other past blogs & favourites here
Another England Away Trip – Our Summer Distraction

The Nations League was always hard to like, understand or fathom out how to qualify and how it helped to Euro 2020 Qualification but… it ended up in a couple of games in Portugal as La Tania does Football once again.

Easy and relatively cheap to access, stay, drink, eat and even get tickets for then add in the Portuguese hospitality, sunshine and SuperBock – this was always going to be a great trip (except for the football as usual of course).
Some idiots of course caused some trouble on the Wednesday night and the press loved to sensationalise it as usual, 7 England “fans” arrested in total over the whole week – compare that to the 300 plus at Notting Hill Carnival for example… Issues with access, stewarding, Bluetooth ticketing (a first when paper copies didn’t exist at all) , policing, line up arguments, tactics etc are all distant memories now – a good time prevailed over all, even if it was a made up competition really! Next Euro 2020 – Probably Wembley x 3, Rome, Dublin and bloody Wembley again for S/F and Final. Maybe. A bit cheaper than Qatar for 2022 though….