The La Tania Ski Blog

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Video Snow Report & Another Poor Forecast

T Wall reporting from the La Tania Stade at The Gus Cup on Saturday.

The 3 Valleys has 100% lifts & pistes open but once again the predicted snowfall at the weekend failed to materialise as only some snow showers for short periods occurred.

While some Western and Southern Alps enjoyed decent amounts of snow the fragmented weather fronts hitting the Savoie area meant snowfall varied in intensity. This seems to have been the case many times this season and “Have you seen the Weather Forecast”? becoming a bit of a joke among some locals.

Just goes to show how difficult forecasting mountain weather is despite the millions spent on computer modelling, weather stations and satellite monitoring.

While predicting anything further than 4 days out is always unreliable (like forecasting snowfalls to specific cm of depth) it’s looking like no more snow until next weekend now if the radar models of the storm coming through continue to develop.

A little more cloud about over the next couple of days rather than wall to wall sunshine as high pressure moves over the region by mid week and temperatures remaining at average for the time of year – below freezing overnight at resort level so snow quality should be maintained overall although hard packed areas are bound to develop in high traffic areas over the busy main half term week.

Fingers crossed then for next weekend’s “forecast”!