The La Tania Ski Blog

Latest news, snow, pics, gossip and information from the locals in La Tania –

All the latest news from around the 3 Valleys from the La Tania locals. A real blog since 2006, not just endless re-posts for search engine optimisaton! Photos, gossip, snow reports, what's on and all the latest on the Apres Ski scene... Now fully optimised for iPhone, Touch and Android Mobiles - just go to and view on your phone. Our other past blogs & favourites here



LT Bean Bag Corner – how hot today? But perfect pistes

Refreshment breaks compulsory today in the hot sunshine. Perfect pistes though and fairly quiet slopes… Sunscreen essential and no layers required during the day but still dropping to below zero at resort level overnight keeping the snow in good condition. Who ever said “it’s too cold to go skiing in January?”