THE PUNTER 31st March 2002

News from the 6th edition
All the weeks Gossip from La Tania & Meribel Village

Sam Wall
Yes It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for (and the Walls ) at 5am Sunday 31st March Debs gave birth to a bouncing 7lb baby boy called Sam Wall ! From about 6pm onwards, rumours abounded as to the imminent arrival of Sam, with the car parked up and aimed straight at the hospital. T Wall was seen nervously pacing the Ski Lodge. The gossip continued as Tim was no where to be found, the car had gone , he wasn’t at LDV…he could be in only one place ! Champagne was placed on ice awaiting the call, but Sam made us all wait a little bit more so the celebrations were with cups of Tea this morning! Well done Debs,Tim & Sam !!! (oh and the dogs!)

1st Annual La Tania Charity Day in aid of Cancer Research UK
The Target of the day is to raise 7500€ minimum, at that point Tim Wall (Ski Lodge / LDV Patron & Dad !) will have his Mullet removed! To help us start the ball rolling The Punter has pledged all profits from the next two issues towards the 7500€ target ! We will also be covering the event for our end of season publication - so if you want to see yourself in a paper that reaches around the world , start raising that charity cash !!

It’s one thing to take part – it’s another to be part of the original event that we hope will become the event of the season !! Here are the details that Mr Dan Provost (Charity organiser) has released so far:

17th April 2002
Chinese Downhill starting from the Ski Lodge,with 3 checkpoints to be reached (all include skulling a drink !), once all three tokens have been collected it’s a mad dash from the top of the mountain to the Pub !! With live bands on the terrace along with the Icicles BBQ the party will rock on through to the night as Simon from “Ultimate Events” hosts an evening of Fancy dress Karaoke !!

It’s going to be a massive day with great prizes and loads of cash raised for Cancer Research UK. We Need your Ideas & Support ..Get going La Tania / M Village

Letters to the Editor
Dear Ed,
I Think sympathies are due to James Poyle (ESF) after having to experience 2 people who will remain anonymous getting Jiggy approximately 12” from where he was trying (but failing) to sleep.
Duncan “loverman” (ski beat)

My word the things that go one over in the council flats !

Dear Ed ,
Still no action on the shagging front (apart from Mongo constantly bothering me) so I’ve enclosed a pic ..hope you like it and can find a place for it.

We aim to please…our 1st real page 3 !!!!!

Drink of the week
Irish Car Bomb
½ pt murphys, depth charge of ½ Jamesons/ ½ Baileys ;line them up at the bar, drop in the charge and neck sharpish..declare your love for the Emerald Isle !(to be drunk mainly by Kiwis)

Arrivals & Departures
Poundy has gone !!! With a bang Monday-Wednesday he drank and drank ! then drove to Geneva allowing Gibb to sleep the hangover off in the carpark ! Suzie's mates Kev & She turned up from Bedford (in a Bedford van or was it a Luton?)
That annoying blonde haired kid who claims to be a Saisonnaire! Is still here masquerading as ski lodge staff now ! His two sisters/mates (-16 yrs old allegedly) leave on Monday , come on Tom/Mongo get them shagged !
Sadly more departures than arrivals now !

Jurrie the Jury
By day an upstanding member of Chabi by night …
This weeks case: Dog end Dilemma !
Prosecution : Hope (Chabi money counter)
-punters from Pub leaving dog ends,broken glasses & rubbish outside the immaculate Chabi Office.
Defence : Fleet (Bar Manager)
-Bollocks it’s all Chabi staff during their lunch/fag/bog breaks !
Jurries verdict : It’s definitely a Pub problem, when you clean the terrace , please ensure the whole terrace is cleaned ,including that drain outside of our office!! (I’ll have a demi and 60 Marlboros please)


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The Views represented in this publication are only those expressed by ourselves, some may be true others almost completely made up, but somewhere there will be a grain of truth… don't forget ,there's no smoke without fire !! …..the walls have ears ! The Punter is always watching! E-mail The Punter at and see it in print every weekend!