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MessyWeekend Ski Goggles Review

You may have seen our reporter Tim Wall wearing new goggles in last week’s Snow Report courtesy of MessyWeekend, the Copenhagen-based eyewear startup. We’ve now had a bit of time to ski with them and we’re very impressed so far…

First impressions were good with the FLOAT goggles coming in a hard case with a spare flat light lens and both of these in soft lens cleaning bags too. Even the strap buckles seems to be have been thought about and allows for quick size adjustment with gloves kept on. Helmet fit was perfect on the couple of lids we tried with no “tw*t gap” visible!

Putting on a new pair of goggles is always a welcome event and the chances are they are replacing an old worn, scratched and dirty pair so the initial view is always going to be better. However, these really did seem to enhance your vision with the clarity and sharpness of everything really standing out while any glare was almost eliminated – feeling like someone just turned the contrast button up!

Remaining comfortable all day in variable conditions and the flat light lens really coming in to its own late in the day in the January shaded runs. Absolutely no fogging issues too – when really hammering down a piste you could just about feel the venting towards the top of the lens doing it’s work.

The XE2 lens has two layers of high-quality, optical-grade polycarbonate, is easily interchangeable, light-weight, practically unbreakable and comes with a NASA developed Revo and Mirror coating that protects from harmful UV light.

If you’re quick you can get 20% off at the MessyWeekend website with the code MESSY2020 and they’re cheaper than you’d think…

MessyWeekend in partnership with ProArtso facilitate the clean-up of 2kg of plastic waste from the Ocean with every product they sell.

The new INUIT goggle with an option of a MessyWeekend XEp Photochromic lens is coming soon with a crowdfunding opening offer

And yes, we do love the name, reminds us of 3 Valleys Charity Day stalwarts The Dub Pistols and their Mucky Weekend….

As for doing Plake goggle straps – he was our hero too!

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