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Ski Job Recruitment Day 01 Sep 2018 – The Snow Centre, Hemel Hempstead

Cool Ski Jobs are hosting a Ski Job Recruitment Day on Saturday 1st September 2018 at The Snow Centre in Hemel Hempstead. This is your chance to live the dream and do a Ski Season…

The event is being held from 10am – 2pm with inspirational speakers discussing all things to do with season life  plus you can meet with potential employers who will be recruiting on the day.

Representatives from ski holiday companies, transfer operators and many more resort businesses will be in attendance to chat about all aspects of “doing a season”  Register here 

In addition all registered attendees will be sent a code the week before entitling them to a half price 2 hour pass for £20. Get a job, have a ski (or board) – what a great day…

The Snow Centre is Britain’s newest Indoor Ski Centre and the closest indoor real snow facility to London with a huge 160m main slope as well as the largest indoor ski lesson slope in the UK. Both ski and snowboarding slopes are over 30m wide and maintained with a perfect snow surface.

Hemel Hempstead is only 26 mins from Euston and The Snow Centre is located just a few minutes off the M25 & M1.

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